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Team | Hong Kong Blue (HKB) | Team Hong Kong (HKG) | Team Russia (RUS) |
Singapore Meerkats (SMK) | DA-HO Baseball (TDH) |
Our players are mainly selected from Hong Kong National Team who represented Hong Kong to participate in the international level’s tournaments, such as Asia Cup, National Games, Asian Games and East Asian Games. We are looking forward to further enhancing the baseball skills and gaining more experience to prepare for the coming tournaments. |
Team Russia is mostly represented by players from Russian Far East , in which baseball expands. Most of them are youth. They have a possibility to get unique and invaluable experience of taking part in international competition |
台灣大和建設棒球隊,成立於1988年,創隊始於一家體育用品販售專門店同名贊助高級中學學生棒球隊為班底,並致力於推廣棒球運動。經歷超過30年的歲月,球隊多次改名至今大和建設棒球隊。多數球員仍為老班底,並加入各年齡層的新血,延續棒球隊創隊初衷『讓愛棒球的孩子,延續對棒球的愛』。 球隊初期球衣設計以紅色系列為主,並參與多次同等級賽事,均取得優異成績。領隊嚴厲要求每位球員以認真負責的態度對待每一場比賽,尊重每一位對手,比賽過程均須全力以赴。與我們對戰的對手,無不戰戰兢兢。球隊如此戰功彪炳,贏得了『紅色霹靂火』這令人聞風喪膽的綽號。 球隊於2005年起,開始與國際接軌,固定參與國際級邀請賽事。多年來出訪國家有日本、韓國、關島與香港等多國舉辦的國際賽事。 人們喜愛棒球,不會因為不同國家、地區或語言的隔閡而有所距離。因為棒球,我們有了共同的語言,有了共同的目標,愛棒球運動,推廣棒球運動。以球會友,打到不能動為止。 |
To foster younger baseball players to gain experience at national team level and enable them to compete with the teams in Asia and the world being one of our major tasks, Hong Kong Baseball Association organizer regular squad training and local league to athletes to improve their baseball skill and enhance the sense of competition for the past few years. Our players come from different high schools and colleges, all of them started to play baseball since their age at seven or younger, they are our future. |
The Singapore Meerkats are made up of an All-Star team from the Singapore Men's Baseball league. We hail from many nations including USA, Canada, Japan, South Korea, Australia and Switzerland and are proud to represent the Singapore Men's league at the HKIBO |
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